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Arpita Ganguly

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  1. Identifying backups for top level positions in organizations is often confused as Succession Planning. It ie not! In fact, you are resorting to only what is a Replacement planning. Succession Planning goes beyond that. It delves to develop potential talent to create a database of ready resources for several positions in future. – Succession Planning enables both career path planning of employee and aims at planning for various grades/ profiles coming up in future. The more difficult to fill vacancies will be aimed for first to create a ready bench strength. Succession planning adopts a systematic process using various performance and behavioural measurement tools and data for identification. It is a long term process and may involve training, on the job transfers, learning, job enrichment. It helps create multiple skilled talent in the same internal pool of resources. In summary, while replacement planning is reactive in approach, succession planning is proactive. Succession planning motivates team as they are increasing their skill sets in various profiles, possibly also for more senior profiles. Also these people are usually hi-potential teams who are more energized being part of the recognized group being trained for various roles, leading to better loyalty and lesser attrition. For any succession planning to be successful, the senior management must own the process, duly communication with all team members on its importance, along with HR team which rolls it out and evaluates periodically. Success of any organisation is dependent on highly charged, well trained team, keen to take on changes and challenges, and Timely Succession Planning helps in moving in the right direction to achieve the same.
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